Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Bawling for Columbine...

Maybe because America is such a developed country, maybe because America trusts its citizens, but I still find no rational rationale to give people guns to safeguard their lives. This is a country that is as safe as it can get...a police force which inspires respect and awe for their patrolling and service to community, citizens who follow every rule almost to the point of perfection, laws that attempt to keep cigarettes, alcohol and drugs away from youngsters below 21...but this is also a country with a lot of people who are mentally sick and guns neither protect nor provide any form of defence from them. A fortnight ago, I read this short story and it refused to leave me...and then yesterday happened.

Last weekend, I saw not one, but two gun shops right outside a friend's apartment. The scene evoked horror in my eyes...after all why do citizens need guns in a democracy, aint their voice and votes more powerful? It is time America's wise politicians decided to sweep aside the power of the gun lobby.


mathew said...

wow..i was reading this story..loved the presentation..too good isnt...how starkingly relevant to this incident..

abhishek said...

The notion of free will and individuality is too deep-rooted in this country's history and culture to change gun control laws substantially, I fear. NRA lobbyists and supporters constantly adopt the slippery slope argument that maniacs like Cho will always manage to get their hands on firearms despite tougher regulations. Such fear is rooted in their lack of confidence of public law and order enforcement agencies and self-arrogance. It is rather like talking to high school rebels and mavericks.

hope and love said...

hmmm.. true.. its so scary..